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Asuria announces its membership with Supply Nation

3 minute read

Asuria is proud to announce that we are now a Supply Nation Member. Supply Nation connects Australian buyers with verified Indigenous businesses to build a prosperous, vibrant and sustainable Indigenous Business Sector.


Our membership with Supply Nation reinforces our commitment to diversity both within our workforce and procurement processes.


Asuria Executive Chairman, Con Kittos highlighted the importance of the relationships with Indigenous businesses, "By procuring products and services from Indigenous-owned businesses, we are able to ensure that every Australian has an equal opportunity to achieve and succeed."


Asuria values and respects First Nations peoples and their cultures and genuinely seek opportunities to increase our participation with, and the representation of, First Nations people in our organisation and the business we work with. Through respect and recognition of the expertise and knowledge of First Nations people, we have established strong and authentic relationships which have led to a minority holding in four majority-owned First Nations businesses nationally. These businesses are Babana Employment, Bamara, EyrePlus and TRACQS.


Through our Membership with Supply Nation, Asuria will continue to build upon our relationships with Indigenous businesses, recognising the value of a diverse supply chain to drive innovation and flexibility within our organisation, so that together with Supply Nation, we can help to shape today's emerging and rapidly evolving Indigenous business sector.


Supply Nation Chief Executive Officer, Ms Jodie Taylor, said “We are delighted to welcome Asuria as a member of Supply Nation and look forward to working with them to develop their supplier diversity footprint.


Supply Nation is Australia’s leader in supplier diversity and custodian of the largest database of verified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses – Indigenous Business Direct.


Since 2009, Supply Nation has worked to foster connections between Indigenous businesses and procurement teams from government and corporate Australia. Supply Nation’s support, combined with a range of business tools and training, helps members incorporate Indigenous businesses into their supply chain, and contribute to the growth and sustainability of the Indigenous business sector.


To find out more about Supply Nation, visit: supplynation.org.au


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