We help you get and keep your job
For over 20 years, Asuria has helped find meaningful, long-term jobs for tens of thousands of people just like you. We will prepare you, brief you, and help you every step of the way to get and keep your job.
We know that too often, your real potential has not been communicated to, or recognised by employers and that’s where we provide help for you to get the job you want.
In many cases that means a job that will change your life for the better.
To achieve this, we will never treat you like a ‘number’ and simply ‘tick the boxes’.
We are also here to help you with your job interview preparation such as the kind of interview questions to expect and how best to respond to them. Once you get your job, where we can, we will help with those things you need to turn up to the job, such as workwear clothing, safety gear and much more.
When you are employed, we will still be with you to mentor and advise you, offer any help you might need to ensure you have the maximum chance of staying in your new job for the long-term.
We will be there for you in the following months to make sure everything is going in the right direction - and that direction is a job that works for you and your future.