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Looking For Work?

Let’s find you a job you’ll love!

If you have a disability, injury or health condition, we're here to help you find and keep meaningful work.

At Asuria, we:

  • - Have 20+ years of experience helping Australians find & keep jobs.
  • - Help 800 job seekers like you into employment each month.
  • - Deliver Disability Employment Services at 75 locations around Australia.


Contact us to speak to a Job Coach

We'd love to hear about the work you're interested in. Connect with a Job Coach by completing the form below.

"Normally, I find it very difficult to get past the interview stage... Asuria just came in with a job trial, and I nailed it!" - Jackson, Central Coast NSW

"Normally, I find it very difficult to get past the interview stage... Asuria just came in with a job trial, and I nailed it!" - Jackson, Central Coast NSW

How we work with you

As a Disability Employment Services (DES)  provider, it's our mission to help you find and keep a job you love. 

Your Asuria Job Coach is someone who will personally get to know the ‘real you’, and do their best to help you gain a job with employers looking for your skills, experience and interests.

How to Get Started

1. Contact an Asuria Job Coach

Fill out the form on this page to connect with an Asuria Job Coach. We'll respond to you within one business day.

2. Start Our Discovery Process

We'll begin our Discovery Process, where we talk with you to determine what kinds of jobs you are interested in and well-suited to.

Taking the next step towards a job you love is easy. Contact an Asuria Job Coach today.

Get Started

Are you eligible for DES?

If you're a job-seeker with a diagnosed disability, injury or health condition, you may be eligible for the Disability Employment Services program. You might be eligible if you are:

  • 14-65 years old
  • An Australian resident
  • Above the minimum legal working age in your state or territory
  • Able to work at least 8 hours per week
  • Not studying full time (eligible school leavers may be exempt)
  • Not working over your assessed employment level.

Not sure whether DES is right for you? Contact us on 1800 773 338 or at contactus@asuria.com.au

What Our People Say

I’d like to thank my Job Coach - Tuesday Qian. Tuesday has a relentless dedication towards achieving the best job placement that matched my previous employment and abilities. Tuesday’s calm and extremely professional attitude gave me the confidence to present myself in a concise and clear manner when I attended seminars and interviews. I highly recommend Asuria.
Just having someone there that was genuinely concerned and interested in what I was doing really inspired me.

What Our People Say

I’d like to thank my Job Coach - Tuesday Qian. Tuesday has a relentless dedication towards achieving the best job placement that matched my previous employment and abilities. Tuesday’s calm and extremely professional attitude gave me the confidence to present myself in a concise and clear manner when I attended seminars and interviews. I highly recommend Asuria.
Just having someone there that was genuinely concerned and interested in what I was doing really inspired me.

Together we can work towards finding

your next job


Contact an Asuria Job Coach today and start the

journey towards a job you love.