Asuria Australia
Leaving School in 2022? How to Find a Job You Love
When you leave school and decide to enter the workforce, there are some challenges that you'll need...
Young job seeker kickstarts career keeping people safe
At just 21 years old, Asuria job seeker, Tenaya Birch, has taken control of her future and embarked...
Construction Industry Taster - Western Sydney Jobs Festival
Asuria has partnered with Acadiam to provide a platform for employers in Western Sydney to speak...
Care Industry Taster - Western Sydney Jobs Festival
Asuria has partnered with Acadiam to provide a platform for employers in Western Sydney to speak...
Meet the Employer event leads to 100 job offers
Care Sector employers in Adelaide North together dished out 100 job offers at a Meet the Employer...
10 Free TAFE Courses in Victoria to Consider
With the expansion of Victoria’s free TAFE initiative, there’s never been a better time to add to...
Jobseeker Tips for the Visually Impaired
Searching for a job can be intimidating, especially when you have a visual impairment. But you’re...
10 Reasons to Use a Jobs Victoria Mentor
Jobs Victoria Mentors are special people. They spend their days helping their fellow Victorians...
Looking for a Job in Victoria? Where to Start
Job-seeking might not make your list of top ten activities, but it’s exciting nonetheless. A new...
How to Choose the Right DES Provider
Australia’s Disability Employment Services (DES) exist to help people with disability find and keep...
5 Steps to Finding Your First Job After High School
The transition from high school to employment can be overwhelming for any young adult. Fortunately,...
How to Become a ‘Disability Confident’ Employer
In addition to running a successful company, most business owners strive to make a positive impact...
Spring blooms new businesses in Victoria's South Coast
As spring has sprung, so too have several new Victorian South Coast businesses, as Asuria guided...
Asuria STEPS up for Cerebral Palsy
Last month, the team at Asuria laced up their runners and put their best foot forward by taking...
7 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety on Your Job Search
Looking for a job can be stressful, and when you add anxiety disorders into the mix, you might feel...
Employment Tips for People with Learning Disabilities
According to Health Direct, up to 1 in 10 Australians has a learning disability, with the most...