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Hotel Etico trainees shine at World Down Syndrome Congress

4 minute read

18 graduates and trainees from Asuria partner, Hotel Etico, have made a show-stealing contribution to the World Down Syndrome Congress, where they filled key positions in the restaurant for over 500 delegates, walking away with plaudits from guests and a resounding sense of personal pride.

Hotel Etico not only provides a fantastic holiday experience in the Blue Mountains, but it serves as the base for a program that provides employment and independent living opportunities to young people with disability, helping them to achieve their independence goals.

Through a partnership formed in April this year, Asuria has had the pleasure of enrolling five disability employment services (DES) participants in the program, each of whom are currently completing traineeships at the hotel, with a further two expected to commence shortly.

The truly collaborative nature of the partnership means Asuria’s mentors are able to benefit from on-site access at the hotel to provide support to participants, as well as gaining access to the Hotel’s training portal to assist with the educational component of the program.

So, when the opportunity came along to send a group of Hotel Etico trainees and graduates currently in placements with hotels across Sydney to fill key restaurant positions at the event, it was something that Asuria was proud to support.

18 people between the ages of 18-35 set off for the Brisbane Exhibition Centre equipped with skills and enthusiasm already obtained through their time with Hotel Etico. And while their support team had every faith in the group’s ability to perform, being thrown in at the deep end in a daunting new environment was always going to be a challenge.

One that the team completely smashed out of the park.

Hotel Etico with caption

“It was the proudest moment we have ever felt,” said Hotel Etico CEO and co-founder, Andrea Comastri. “Each and every one of the team blew our mind in terms of how they performed, something which was echoed by everyone who had the pleasure of experience their service.”

As well as rising to the demands of serving food and drinks, clearing tables, and engaging with the 550 guests, the Hotel Etico team, each living with a range of disabilities from autism to down syndrome, were also encouraged to manage their stay in Brisbane independently, adding to the learning curve the trip provided.

Each and every one the trainees made a lasting impression among the guests and organisers, exuding professionalism, warmth and enjoyment across the entire event, and capping things off with a well-earned turn on the dance floor.

Nicole Grainger-Marsh, CEO of Asuria Australia, said of the group’s achievements: “When the opportunity arose to support Hotel Etico and the team’s attendance at the World Down Syndrome Congress, we were more than happy to support such a valuable opportunity for learning and development, but little did we know what a group of absolute superstars we would be helping to uncover.

“To see the results of Hotel Etico’s wonderful program in action in the real world, helping people with disability to exceed expectations, is so inspiring. Our heartfelt congratulations go out to each of the trainees, and we wish them the very best in wherever their talents take them next.”

To learn more about Hotel Etico, visit hoteletico.com.au, and to find out more about Disability Employment Services (DES) from Asuria, click here.

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