Asuria Australia News

Debunking the Myths and Embracing the Facts about Mental Health

Written by Asuria | May 17, 2024 1:31:13 AM

Mental health plays an extremely important part in our overall wellbeing but is often clouded by misconceptions and stigma. Let's delve into common myths surrounding mental health and replace them with evidence-based truths to nurture empathy and understanding. 

Here are some common myths pertaining to mental health: 

Myth 1:
Mental health issues stem from personal weaknesses or flaws. 

Mental health challenges aren't a reflection of character; they're complex and multifaceted, and are influenced by biology, experiences, and genetics. Seeking help shows courage, not weakness.

Myth 2:
Mental health issues are rare and only affect a small number of people.”

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately one in four people worldwide will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives. Understanding the prevalence of these issues helps to break the silence and encourage open dialogue about mental health.  

Myth 3:
Mental health problems cannot be treated effectively.” 

Mental health conditions are treatable, and recovery is possible. Just like physical health conditions, early intervention, proper diagnosis, and evidence-based treatments are essential for positive outcomes. Treatments for mental health conditions may include therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and support from loved ones. It’s important to reject the notion that mental health problems are impossible to help, as this hinders individuals from seeking appropriate help. 

Myth 4:
People are to blame for their own mental health problems.” 

Fact: Mental health issues can arise from various factors, including genetics, biology, and environmental influences. It's essential to recognise that mental health problems are not a choice and should not be stigmatised. You are not to blame! 

Myth 5:
Talking about mental health problems makes them worse.”

Positive and respectful conversations about mental health can assist in reducing stigma and encouraging individuals to seek help. By learning to talk about mental health safely, we can create a more supportive environment for those experiencing mental health challenges. 


Now, let’s tackle some myths about mental health in the workplace: 

Myth 1:
People with mental health issues are unable to hold down a job.”

Many individuals with mental health conditions can maintain employment with the right support and accommodations. In fact, some may excel in their roles due to unique perspectives and strengths associated with their conditions.

Myth 2:
Disclosing mental health issues to employers will lead to discrimination and job loss.”

While stigma and discrimination do exist, many employers are becoming more understanding and supportive of employees with mental health conditions. Disclosing your condition can lead to accommodations that protect you and facilitate your success in the workplace. Many countries also have legal protections against discrimination based on mental health.

Myth 3:
Mental health issues are a sign of weakness or incompetence in the workplace.”

Mental health challenges do not reflect an individual's capabilities or work ethic. Much like physical health conditions, mental health issues are medical conditions
. They can affect anyone and should be treated with empathy and support at all times. 

Myth 4:
Seeking mental health treatment will hinder career advancement.”

Taking proactive steps to manage mental health can enhance career prospects by improving productivity, decision-making, and overall wellbeing. Employers increasingly recognise the importance of mental health and may have resources available to help you seek support for treatment.

Myth 5:
Job seekers with mental health conditions are undesirable hires.”

Diversity and inclusion initiatives in many workplaces see the value in creating an environment that welcomes and accommodates an individual’s diverse backgrounds and experiences, and that includes those with mental health conditions. By encouraging open discussions and sharing experiences, both employees and employers benefit from an environment with increased awareness, support, and acceptance.

Myth 6:
Mental health issues will prevent long-term career success.”

With proper treatment, support, and self-care, many individuals with mental health conditions lead fulfilling and successful careers. Mental health challenges do not define a person's potential or limit their ability to achieve their goals.

Myth 7:
Seeking mental health treatment is a sign of instability or unreliability.”

Taking steps to prioritise your mental health demonstrates self-awareness, resilience, and a commitment to personal wellbeing. Employers value employees who take proactive measures to maintain their health and performance.

 By challenging these myths and promoting accurate information, we can create a more compassionate and supportive environment for all. Let's break down barriers and embrace a culture of understanding. Together, we can make a difference in mental health advocacy! 

About Asuria Wellbeing Services

Asuria provides a range of wellbeing services to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and skills to help you get and keep a job. The Asuria Wellbeing Specialist Team are highly trained, registered allied health professionals, including psychologists, social workers and counsellors. We will support you every step of the way, by conducting evidence-based assessments and delivering counselling interventions if you are having trouble finding or keeping a job.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Asuria’s Wellbeing Specialist services, call 1800 773 338 or visit our website.


Written by Nikita Verghese, Registered Counsellor - Asuria Senior Wellbeing Specialist

Nikita Verghese works in our Wellbeing Team as a Senior Wellbeing Specialist to provide Allied Health services through her experience as a dedicated counsellor.

Bringing years of experience to her role within Asuria, Nikita and her team work to provide support of the highest quality to our clients.



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